Onsite Pharmacy Client Resource Optimization

Outpatient Pharmacy

Incentivize use of owned pharmacy through benefit design.

Strategic investment for health system.

Leverage drug acquisition strategies, including 340B, etc.

Pharmacy Focus


Capture Rate.

Clinical / Quality Improvement.

Patient Experience.

Integration with Rx Med Solutions

Drive formulary & network compliance.

Improve medication & care plan adherence.

Provider collaboration – pharmacy & physicians.

Pharmacy Clinical Integration

  • Aligned goals, including coordination of the PBM, on-site pharmacy, and employee health plan.
  • Collaborative approach with patient education and counseling.
  • Coordinated effort in formulary compliance and adherence.
  • Coordination with on-site pharmacy staff to assist with prior authorizations to help save time for providers.
  • Interface between pharmacy and provider medical records ensures visibility of the patient profile.

Better Patient Care

  • Patient Outcomes.
  • Medication Adherence.
  • Rx Med Solutions and On-Site Pharmacy staff work together to provide consistent level of care.
  • Medication Synchronization