What’s our differentiated value?

Rx Med Solutions
Who Benefits? Provider Organizations
Financial Transparency
Admin Fees $
Rebates, Discounts, Dispensing Fees, Interests 100% on All Components
Channel Flexibility + Script Revenue Emphasis
Retail Provider Organizations
Specialty Provider Organizations
Mail Order Provider Organizations
340B 340B Covered Entity
Clinical Integration
Utilization Management* High
Service Excellence
Client Management (for all group sizes) High Touch



What makes us different    
Client Resource Optimization The offering is designed so that prescriptions are incented to flow through a narrow network of pharmacies in order to optimize savings.
   Financial Transparency HCOs received best in class discounts and pass-through rebates.
Clinical integration TPB Clinical Pharmacists collaborate with HCO pharmacists, prescribers and medical plan to develop and implement strategies that are most effective for the plan and its members
Service excellence A consistent and high-touch account management experience will be provided to HCOs
Value in Scale More value and savings will be proactively realized as the coalition grows and gains
value from scale


Self-insured HCOs will regain more control of their destiny through this offering