Estimated Financials 

50,000 Lives
Drug Type Brand Generic Specialty All Claims
Total Pharmacy Revenue $26,828,290 $8,434,490 $17,866,001 $53,128,780
Number of Prescriptions 77,668 432,664 2,668 513,000
Gross Profit Margin* $3,989,520 $2,358,746 $2,256,629 $8,604,894


75,000 lives
Drug Type Brand Generic Specialty All Claims
Total Pharmacy Revenue $40,242,435 $12,651,735 $26,799,001 $79,693,170
Number of Prescriptions 116,502 648,996 4,001 769,500
Gross Profit Margin* $5,984,280 $3,538,119 $3,384,943 $12,907,341

* Revenue split between Cient & Rx Med Solutions

Creating Value for your System

Market capitalization values of PBM’s are 10-12X EBITDA

50,000 lives
Gross Profit Margin $8,604,894
Overhead expense (50%) $4,302,447
EBITDA $4,302,447
Market CAP (10-12X EBITDA)
Market Value (Low End) $43,024,471
Market Value (High End) $51,629,365


75,000 lives
Gross Profit Margin $12,907,341
Overhead expense (50%) $6,453,671
EBITDA $6,453,671
Market CAP (10-12X EBITDA)
Market Value (Low End) $64,536,707
Market Value (High End) $77,444,048